It’s been a hot minute! We know, it’s been a while since we’ve written on our blog. You know that feeling when you keep saying “no, really, I’ll do it next week” but it keeps going on and on? And you end up saying, “it’s been so long, what’s one more week” or “it’s been so long, it’s embarrassing” and many other reasons.
Yep, that’s us.
Still, we’ve got something worth writing home about.
We’ve finally opened our international shop!

Yes, that’s right, we’ve started sending our loot overseas.
When this year started, we planned to get the international shop open this year. And then the pandemic happened, and things became a lot more challenging.
Not just on the overseas shipping part, but everything. We’re not out of the woods yet–knock on wood–but we decided to push through with the shop launch anyway.
What this means for the Philippine shop
Does this mean that the Philippine shop is going away?
Not at all. Philippine orders should still be coursed through the Philippine shop. There are also some items that we cannot ship overseas, like our perfumes and the Seedcraft Pencils. These will remain in our Philippine shop only, and you won’t find them in the international one.
This involves a bit of juggling on our end, and careful managing of two separate inventories. But we’re optimistic things will work out just fine ;)
Across the borders
We’ve placed our bestsellers on the international shop, like our character notebooks and drinkware lines. We’ll continue to add our items to the international shop over the next few weeks, time permitting.
The best thing is that we’re offering free (almost) worldwide shipping for all purchases over $200! Further places like South America and Africa get free shipping for orders above $300.
We(Angela) are super big fans of free shipping thresholds and (ab)use them a lot, so we(Angela) were pretty stubborn about having something like this available. Group orders are the best.
Someday in the future we’d love to be able to warehouse our loot somewhere close to everyone, but until that time comes, we’ll be here lovingly packing your goodies by hand.
And fin
We’ll share a little more about recent developments next week. But for now, let us leave you with a few teasers on what’s been going on:
- We’ll be at CONtracts: A D&D Adventurers League Epic, run by The Commonwealth. We hear there’s an event-only D&D 5e Character Tome made special for the event! ;)
- We’ll also be at ConSave: Stardock Under Siege, an online charity epic run by Dudes & Dice Davao! Proceeds will go to SPMC’s House of Hope, a home for children with cancer.
- Our holiday box is here! Pre-orders for the D&D Adventurer’s Chest (click here for international) is open, with fulfillment starting on December 1-2. Orders are still open during December, but only until stocks last!
- Angela’s gone and edited another Community Created Content for Adventurer’s League! Paul Gabat has released the final part of his Heroes in Nine Hells series, Maladomini Unleased. This is a sequel to his ENNIE Award-winning adventure, Stygia Untamed.
See you again next week (maybe??)!