
Dungeons and Dragons Philippines: How to Start Playing

Do you want to try playing Dungeons and Dragons in the Philippines? You’ve heard about D&D and you’re curious, but not sure where to start? You’re not alone! Tabletop roleplaying games are a worldwide phenomenon, with people from all walks of life taking part. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at Dungeons and […]


A good background story

Before the lockdowns started, a friend of ours ran Berlin – The Wicked City from Chaosium. She had been bugging us to play for a while, but schedules have (as usual) been difficult to synch. That afternoon almost didn’t push through, but we ended up playing all through the afternoon, into the night, into the […]

News RPGs

Let your RPG characters live with this local artistic initiative [Feature]

You know that TRPG character you created and play with every week, so much that you have this vision of what they look like? You’ve thought of exactly how they look, how they sound, how they behave. They have amazing backstories you’ve meticulously penned down (in one of our character folios, we hope — we’ve […]


We Play Too Much – Part 3 (Games I Run)

The past few weeks has been quite crazy here at the Hey Meepling HQ, from attending great local conventions, trying out new games created by local designers ((stay tuned for the next RPG posts)), and setting up new products for our shop. But things have evened out a bit, and I finally have the time((just […]


Session Zero Haul

We came back from last Sunday’s Session Zero renewed and full of admiration for the diversity of game designers, artists, and crafters we have locally. It was so difficult to stick to a budget and we, er, ultimately blew it out of the water (sob) but it was worth it! We met so many lovely […]

News RPGs

Session Zero’s coming up: We’re so excited!

Finally, it’s Session Zero time this Sunday, August 25! Session Zero is an event that shines the spotlight on local game designers and makers, and there is a lot on offer this weekend! There has been so many people on the #RoadToSessionZero and we’re so hyped to check out all the awesome stuff available during […]


We Play Too Much – Part 2 (Games We Play)

We’re continuing the self-revealing series, where we find out how much games we actually play in a month.((Knowing the problem is half the battle, kids)) Last week, I talked about the Games I Play, such as Changeling the Lost and a livestream game of D&D Adventurers League. This week, let’s continue by discussing the games […]


We Play Too Much – Part 1 (Games I Play)

Last week, I’ve talked about how the both of us got into tabletop role-playing games, essentially our origin story into the hobby. I also mentioned last time that I will talk about the games that we are currently playing. I lied–sort of–and instead of discussing all of our games((I think we’re playing too much XD)) […]

News RPGs

August Hero Feature: Astrihd Cruz

For our hero feature for August, we have Lanz’s Aasimar Wizard, Astrihd Cruz. Also, impromptu sneak peek of our coming-soon folio and tome sheets!((We plan to debut these sometime later in the year. Stay tuned!)) Here is what Lanz has to say about Astrihd: Known to many as the Angel of Tyr, Astrihd Cruz, a […]


Our TRPG origin stories

Hey meeplings, get a cup of your favorite beverage((Tea, coffee, beer, or whiskey for me, please.)), sit down and relax, as I tell you a tale of how two geeks got into the wonderful and limitless worlds of tabletop roleplaying games. But first, let us define what is a Tabletop Roleplaying Game (TRPG). According to […]